在这里我要讲解电脑会自动重新开机的几个普遍原因。 The common reason of computer restart abruptly.
- 中央处理器过热 CPU overheating
- 硬盘过热 Hard-disk overheating
- 记忆体故障 Faulty RAM
- 附加的硬体影响 Attaching some external USB
- 硬盘故障 Faulty Hard-disk
- 软件影响 Software crash
- 病毒攻击 Virus attack
- 驱动错误 Wrong driver
Solution 方案
CPU overheating
Check that the cooling fans on the processor is working properly or not. So ensure that the fan is working fine and is clean. If not, then get the fan replaced. Also check for the additional fans on your computer casing/cabinet(if any).
检查处理器里的风扇是否操作, 确定风扇干净以及正常操作。 如果有问题就要更换。
Hard-disk overheating
If there is not proper ventilation around your computer, the hard disk may also reach temperatures where it starts to malfunction and computer restarts in some of these cases. The fix is to keep the computer at a ventilated place. Also installing some cabinet fans also solves this problem to big extent.
当电脑处于不通风的状态之下就会产生硬盘过热。 安装风扇或把电脑移至通风的地方。
Software Crash
Sometimes a software can also be the culprit behind the computer restart. If you have recently installed any new application or game, and computer has started to restart when using that application or game, you need to un-install it to fix the issue.
如果情况是在安装了某种软件或游戏后出现, 需要把软件/游戏卸载。
Virus Attack
Virus attack is the most common reason cause computer restart abruptly. The best solution to fix this problem is format the computer.
病毒攻击是最普遍的原因之一, 最好的方案就是重新安装操作系统。
Wrong Driver
Sometimes we install a new hardware with a wrong driver may cause the computer restart also. To fix this problem is remove the hardware and remove the driver.
错误安装驱动同样会遇到这个问题, 解决这个问题的方案是卸载驱动以及硬体。
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